Wednesday 29 February 2012

Hobbies in Cambodia

I am not sure if I have mentioned one of my new found hobbies in any of my previous posts.  And frankly I am to lazy to look back through all of them, so I will continue with this post. There is no ice to play hockey on (though I have found street hockey).  The only hockey that I can watch is on really early in the morning in one of the sports bars here.  The mountains in Cambodia would typically be referred to as hills back home, so hiking is a rarity.  To add to that I forgot my saxophone at home and so I have had to search out new hobbies.  One that I have become particularly fond of is shirt making.  

The first step to shirt making usually involves lunch.  A great spot is Asian Spice as it is on the way to Oressei Market, where all the best fabric in town is.  At lunch we discuss what kind of fabric we are looking for and for what purpose.  Often the reason for purchasing the fabric is for a new shirt.  After lunch we go to the market and begin the hunt for that one piece of fabric that we have on our mind.  And oh what a search it can be!  Looking and feeling making sure it is exactly what you want.  Alas! you see that perfect pattern starring you right in the face.  Cue the dramatic music as you make your way over to your new found treasure.  And now the bargaining begins (sorry Grace my efforts last week were less than spectacular)

"Tlay ponmaan?" you say

"Muey Mite, pram muey dollar" says the seller

"Buen dollar?" you respond

"at tee, pram muey"

"Pram dollar" you try to be a little more forceful this time

"Pram muey" She is not budging!

One more try

"Pram dollar kanlah"


You got 50 cents off, but she won that round!

With fabric in hand now you need to find a tailor.  And there are many options here.  First there is the best tailor, a favourite among MCCers.  He practices his trade at the Russian Market.  Other options include tailors at Orussei (very convenient) or a new place that I have found just down the street from my house.  After getting all measured up you play the waiting game.  Finally the day comes when you get to pick up your shirt.  After that it is time to start the process all over again!

And that my friends is the art of Shirt Making!

 One of my shirts


  1. Would any of the Tailors teach you how to sew a shirt, so you can do it all yourself? haha

  2. I may have to inquire about that?
